This is an official website of the St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, KL No.2 Combined Division, Federal Territory. Copyright @ 2009 St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, CSDJC, FT. All rights reserved. The names "St. John Ambulance", "St. John Ambulans" and the emblem are protected under the law of Malaysia and other laws where St. John Ambulance or the Order of the St. John exists. Unauthorised used is prohibited.
Posted on 6:37 AM

Introduction to First Aid急救概念

Filed Under () By 第二混合分队 KL No.2 Combined Division at 6:37 AM

First Aid define as emergency treatment given to the sick or injured.

Purpose of First Aid急救目的
- to preserve life保全生命
- to prevent further injury防止伤势恶化
- to promote recovery促进复原
- to protect the unconscious保护不省人事的伤病者

  • Preserve life - yourself, casualty and bystanders
  • Prevent further injury - do no more harm. Move the casualty only if it will be safer than leaving where they are.
  • Promote recovery - help the casualty to breathe, stop bleeding, get skilled help and make the casualty more comfortable
  • Protect the unconscious - they cannot help themselves. Therefore, ensure the airway is open, otherwise the casualty cant breath. Turn them into safer position on their side.
- History病历(事发的经过,例如旁观者叙述)
- Signs病症(伤病者的表现
- Symptoms病状(

Posted on 1:54 AM

Choking哽塞 & Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation心肺复苏法

Filed Under () By 第二混合分队 KL No.2 Combined Division at 1:54 AM

Choking / Foreign Body Airway Obstruction哽塞

Foreign Body / Obstruction blocked the airway.

成因Reason for choking
- 一边吃东西,一边说话
keep talking when he/she is eating
- 小孩由于好奇,把异物放入嘴里

病症和病状signs and symptoms
-cannot talk
-cannot cough咳嗽
-cannot breath
-face will become red due to cannot breath
-universal signs(伤病者可能抓住颈部或指着喉咙)

- Check for danger

- Introduce yourself

- Ask whether casualty is choking

- if casualty nod(点头)/universal sign

- tell the casualty that you will go to his back and do Heimlich Manuever/Abdominal thrust. When u say cough, he need try to cough.

- make the casualty's body move forward 45 degree, feet apart(one advance of other一只脚站在患者两只脚中间,一只脚向后)

- (do Heimlich Manuever/Abdominal thrust腹部挤压法, at the same time, ask casualty to cough)x 5times

- pay attention to casualty whether he could throw out(vomit)

- repeat the Heimlich Manuever/Abdominal thrust until the obstruction/foreign body have came out or he is fainting and no breathing.

- do CPR if he fainted

- 在伤病伤病者背后以前弓后箭的姿势站稳
- 双臂环抱伤病者腹部
- 手掌向下,一只手掌的尾指放在伤病者肚脐,另一只握拳
- 将拳头扁平面向内,放在伤病者肚脐, 远离胸骨尖(第三和第四只手指之间)
- 向内及向上按压

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)

- Check for danger
Remove danger if can. If cant, transfer the casualty to safety place.

- Check for response

- No response, call help!!! ask someone to call ambulance 999 and call back to report to u.

- Head tilt chin lift

- Look, feel, listen

- Give 2 rescue blows

- Check sign of life

  • Breathing
  • Movement
  • Coughing

- (30compressions + 2 blows ) x 5cycles in 2mins

- (use little finger to take out the obstruction)

- Check sign of life
if he/she have normal breathing, turn him/her to recovery position
if not breathing, do another (30compressions + 2 blows ) x 5cycles

Under what condition u could not perform CPR?
-Profuse Bleeding
-Spinal Injury

Under what condition u could stop CPR?
-the casualty is conscious/semi-conscious, is breathing
-doctor, nurse or an appropriate person /ambulance have been arrived
-u r too tired to continue

Reason to finish 5cycles in 2min
-total compressions = 30 compressions x 5cycles
= 150 compressions

-so, 1min = 150/2 =75 compressions
for Adult, pulse rate is 60-80times per min
75 is in between of 60-80