This is an official website of the St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, KL No.2 Combined Division, Federal Territory. Copyright @ 2009 St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, CSDJC, FT. All rights reserved. The names "St. John Ambulance", "St. John Ambulans" and the emblem are protected under the law of Malaysia and other laws where St. John Ambulance or the Order of the St. John exists. Unauthorised used is prohibited.
Posted on 9:07 PM

队史 History

By 第二混合分队 KL No.2 Combined Division at 9:07 PM

一九九零年在RSO Ngeow Yia Hwan 的推引进南强华小教导救伤课程,全年八月份。第一批学员考试及格,十月初向总部申请注册 Cheras Combined Cadet Division 不于批准。再次以 Naam Kheung Combined Cadet 注册被拒。经过一波三折,总部批下的名称 No.11 AC 及 No.10 NC 。除了南强 华小,本分队也在中国公学及中国学校招收学生队员(Junior)。 为保 留成年队员继续留下本队服务, 本队在2003年九月份向总部申请更改队 名。至此, KL No.2 Combined Division 本着爱心与承诺的宗旨为华校教导救伤课程。