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Posted on 6:37 AM

Introduction to First Aid急救概念

Filed Under () By 第二混合分队 KL No.2 Combined Division at 6:37 AM

First Aid define as emergency treatment given to the sick or injured.

Purpose of First Aid急救目的
- to preserve life保全生命
- to prevent further injury防止伤势恶化
- to promote recovery促进复原
- to protect the unconscious保护不省人事的伤病者

  • Preserve life - yourself, casualty and bystanders
  • Prevent further injury - do no more harm. Move the casualty only if it will be safer than leaving where they are.
  • Promote recovery - help the casualty to breathe, stop bleeding, get skilled help and make the casualty more comfortable
  • Protect the unconscious - they cannot help themselves. Therefore, ensure the airway is open, otherwise the casualty cant breath. Turn them into safer position on their side.
- History病历(事发的经过,例如旁观者叙述)
- Signs病症(伤病者的表现
- Symptoms病状(