This is an official website of the St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, KL No.2 Combined Division, Federal Territory. Copyright @ 2009 St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, CSDJC, FT. All rights reserved. The names "St. John Ambulance", "St. John Ambulans" and the emblem are protected under the law of Malaysia and other laws where St. John Ambulance or the Order of the St. John exists. Unauthorised used is prohibited.
Posted on 10:19 PM


Filed Under () By 第二混合分队 KL No.2 Combined Division at 10:19 PM

Primary Examination/Assessment


Secondary Examination/Assessment
-give consideration to profuse bleeding大量出血, breathing difficulties, shock and spinal injury
-give subjective interview and objective examination from head to toe(全身检查)

Healthcare Provider
(EMS, 医护人员等)





-check for the presence of the carotid pulse
-if no pulse, initiate CPR
-check for profuse bleeding(大量出血)



Check for Danger
-to yourself
-to casualty
-to bystanders

Check for Response
-Unresponsive (call for help)

Check Airway
-head tilt chin lift
-is airway clear?

Check Breathing
-look(chest raise) ,feel(breathing), listen(what problem did casualty face and what bystanders told you what they saw and heard)
-If no breathing, give 2 rescue blows
-check signs of life
  • Breathing
  • Movement
  • Coughing

give Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)
-(30 compression + 2 rescue blows) x 5cycles in 2mins

Defibrillation (if available)
-apply Automated External Defibrillator(AED)
-follow voice prompts

Automated External Defibrillator(AED)

-normally 150J~200J
AED shocks
-activate heart to work
-increase flow of blood
-increase the rate of survival to discharge from the hospital after shock with the AED was 40 percent.
-allowing the heart to reestablish an effective rhythm